5 Reasons to Join a Gym that Offers Babysitting

Three children are playing together on the floor with colorful LEGO blocks. One child with short dark hair smiles while stacking blocks, a second child with long brown hair concentrates on her creation, and a third child with blonde braids builds with white pieces, reminiscent of gyms that offer babysitting services.

What’s our #1 gym advice for parents? Join a gym that offers babysitting because parenting is hard, but going to the gym shouldn’t have to be. 

Starting September 6, YouFit is proud to announce the launch of Tot Spot – YouFit’s in-house babysitting program for members available at participating gyms. That’s right, we’ve got your back, moms and dads.

gyms that offer babysitting

But, how does it work? 

  • Bring your child (ages 1 – 12) to a participating YouFit Gym. 
  • You work out.
  • We watch your child in the Tot Spot – a fun, safe, and supervised environment. 

That’s it! We’re here to make living your healthiest life as easy as possible. From state-of-the-art nutrition programming to the hottest classes, and an endless assortment of weights and machines – YouFit offers it all at an affordable price. Now, that includes babysitting too. 

As if the reasons why you should join a gym that offers babysitting weren’t obvious, we’ve got five good ones right here: 

It gets you out the door! 

Sometimes the biggest hurdle for parents who want to work out is logistics. That’s because leaving your child at home means making more decisions, more arrangements, and more appointments. Do I hire a sitter? If so, what time should they get here if I want to be to the gym early enough to feel relaxed about getting to the class on time–and also avoid paying one zillion dollars in extra babysitting money for it? Time for backward math. Or, can I coordinate with my partner even though they’re already doing their own things at these times? Will we have to negotiate, and is that worth it or should I just skip this gym thing today? Sigh. These aren’t necessarily hard questions but do you know what it takes to derail most of us from going to the gym? Just ONE obstacle. Consider this one gone.

Kids have fun! 

Just remember one magic word: toys. We’ve got them! Plus videos, arts and crafts and more, with adults supervising everything along the way. Kids love the novelty of playing with new games and gadgets which researchers say actually stimulates learning. But above all, their fun means you don’t have to worry. 

Other parents are there too. 

You don’t have to be besties, but also, who knows? Of all the questions that podcasters and advice columnists receive most, how to make friends as an adult, ranks toward the top. When you no longer ride the same bus to the same school with the same group of people every day, that proximity layer of friendship is ripped right out of the equation. Making friends as adults is much more complicated than when we were kids because our values, lifestyles and interests have more variety. But finding other people who have at least two things in common with you – they’re parents and they like working out – is a good start. 

It’s a screaming good deal. 

If you’re lucky enough to have childcare during the workday (which is even more difficult to come by right now) but need coverage for an evening or weekend gym visit, hiring a babysitter can be a deal breaker. Depending on where you live, babysitters charge anywhere from $12 to close to $20  an hour. That’s forty bucks for a single gym visit.  Not with us. At participating gyms, YouFit Gym members can now add babysitting to their membership plan starting at $20 a month. 

We won’t tell anyone if you just use the steam room while your kids play.

Listen, being a parent is no joke. It’s a very hard job. It’s beautiful and meaningful but also draining at times. We’ll give you two hours to do whatever you want at YouFit. If that means hitting the weights, great! But if it looks like relaxing your muscles in a steam room until your shoulders stop touching your ears, that’s good too.

Now for the fine print: The Tot Spot babysitting program is available to members at participating locations as an add-on to their membership starting at $20 a month. The Tot Spot is limited to two hours per day per child and parents must say on the premises at all times. 

YouFit Gyms that offer babysitting: 

YouFit Gyms – Deerfield, FL
4032 W Hillsboro Blvd
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

YouFit Gyms – North Lauderdale, FL
7346 W McNab Rd
North Lauderdale, FL 33068

YouFit Gyms – Harvey, LA Tot Spot included with the Premium+ Membership
2424 Manhattan Blvd
Harvey, LA 70058

To learn more about Tot Spot our in-house babysitting program and other amenities at YouFit Gyms, please visit www.youfit.com.

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